An Innovative Way To Attract And Retain Great Employees

An Innovative Way To Attract And Retain Great Employees

I’m so excited to share this idea with you. This is an innovative way to solve a problem that a lot of you are having in business right now, namely, how to attract and retain great employees.


Hi, Dr. Stephie here. I’m so excited to share this idea with you. This is an innovative way to solve a problem that a lot of you are having in business right now, which is: How to attract and retain great employees?

It’s hard to attract and retain those employees you want. Here’s how to offer them a completely different perk. You can offer this perk in addition to all the other perks you already know about, Brilliance Mining.

A Novel Perk That Helps You Attract and Retain Employees

This is how I envision it. You can tell those employees, listen, we value you so much that we want to give you the opportunity, as a perk, to be part of Brilliance Mining. The benefit you will get from this is that we will continue to put your time to the highest and best use. You will be fulfilled and have fun doing innovative and creative things, a lot more than you usually would

What Often Happens – And How To Stop That From Happening To You

What happens normally? Put yourself in the shoes of an employee. You hire this person who is an expert in something. They get even better at it as they get the hang of being in your company.

Then the excitement starts to wear off, and the routine takes over. This is where you can lose a great employee. They may begin to look around for other opportunities. The way that you can be effective in stopping that from happening is by saying to that person, “If you would like, we will give you access to the special Brilliance Mining™ program. We’re going to have someone teach you how to effectively delegate some of your expertise to other people. The idea behind that is that we will put your time to even greater use. You will get to do even more innovative things, more creative things, and more thinking above the rim of the bowl. You will have more time and opportunity to think about what is going to drive the company forward. “

Think about what type of people you could attract – and retain – if you had a program like that in your company. 

That’s my idea. I would love to hear your feedback on that. I’m very curious to hear your thoughts because this idea only recently occurred to me that Brilliance Mining can be a substantial perk for the right kind of employees. You could even make it available on a somewhat limited basis so that they get, “Okay, this is a perk, and this is special!”

Some companies (e.g., Qualcomm) already have programs that are related to this idea. For example, innovatively minded employees can apply to get time and resources to work on new ideas they thought of. My idea of offering Brilliance Mining to selected employees as a perk goes in the same direction. Often, these employees are so valuable that their employers don’t know how to free up any of their time. Brilliance Mining is the answer to this issue.

And right now, many companies are looking for a “secret weapon” to attract and retain great employees to their team.

I’m Curious

Again, let me know what you think of this. Cheers.

Dr. Stephie

P.S.: I appreciate you commenting and sharing this with others. Thank you!

Stephie Althouse

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