Greetings! Here is your new edition of “Treasure Tuesday” with five quick and hopefully inspiring nuggets including how to refine your focus.
There are two ways you can enjoy this content:
- Watch the video below
- See the short notes below (they might cause you to watch the video)
This week’s Treasure Tuesday In A Nutshell:
Gratifying Brilliance Extracted This Week
This week I’m talking about refining your focus. I decided that while Brilliance Mining has many benefits, my central focus is on scaling a business (or non-profit).
Enlightening Visual
I’m sharing with you how to transform an important message from boring bullets to a compelling and memorable graphic.
Inspiring Book of The Week
The inspiring book of the week is “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown. The subtitle says it well, ” How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead.” I want to add “storytelling” to that list.
Bold Idea Implemented
Invest in yourself. That said, it is neat to learn something, but the real benefit comes from implementing at least something right away.
This week I took a training on how to put together a signature talk. Yes, I went through the training and immediately implemented the nuggets I learned.
By the way, yes, I have spoken at quite a few venues already. Did I need this training? I think if you invest in the right kind of training, you can always get better, even better. Often, we can cut our learning curve down substantially.
The Surprise
Stress is like eating sugar. Listen to this brief reel and find out why. In a nutshell, stress causes us to make cortisol which is a stress hormone but it also causes court body to make sugar. With chronic stress, you can become a diabetic without even eating badly.
I’m Curious: Which Treasure Is The Most Valuable For You This Week?
Please remember each step forward is enough. One little step is way better than none. The sum of all tiny steps taken consistently is utterly unstoppable. Okay. See you next week. Cheers.
Dr. Stephie
P.S.: I appreciate you commenting and sharing this with others. Thank you!