What Would John Do? | The Brilliance Mine

What Would John Do?

It is a great idea to ask your clients how they would describe what you do. Here is what John said. It made me feel really good and gave me clues on how to express what I do to others. You can do the same.

I’m Curious

  • When did you last ask your clients how they describe you and what you do to others?
  • What did you learn?


John: What would happen in your business today if something were to happen to you and you weren’t there to manage, delegate, and walk people through issues you’ve learned how to handle over the years? 

For me, it’s about knowledge transfer. It’s about getting out of myself and taking the things that I know, that I haven’t documented and document them. Putting them in a place where if somebody wanted to go and say, “You know, what would John do about it?

We don’t wear bracelets, but I thought, you know what? I should create bracelets that say, “What would John do?” instead of “What would Jesus do?” That cracks me up. Seriously, there’s your video; what would John do in this situation? 

You know, there’s a lot of stuff (“brilliance”). The “Five things” for us are something I have really tried for 12 years to disseminate to people. Still, I’ve already gotten positive reviews just on the recruiter piece that says, “Oh my gosh, just having it in a video format and to be able to stop and maybe ask questions later…!” I’ve already got people that… literally, the light bulbs come on.

I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had about them, about the Five Things, I couldn’t replace those videos now. No way. 

I think that’s a big piece of it. I think it’s like, “Why did you get into the business? Did you get into the business so you can sit at a desk all day long and put out fires like you’re doing right now? Or did you get into business so that you could literally have something that was, you know, going to provide you with a maybe passive income that you didn’t have to worry about every single day?” 

A lot of managers say the best way to run a company is to hire people who are smarter than you. I agree. The benefit to that is you stepping out of it. There’s no other benefit other than growth. 

Dr. Stephie: Yeah. That’s a pretty big one, too, but yes, I agree with you. Fabulous! Okay. Thank you. I appreciate it. 

I’m tickled that, already, in such a short time, it’s made such a huge difference. 

John: Yeah, it really has!

Dr. Stephie

P.S.: I appreciate you commenting and sharing this with others. Thank you!

Stephie Althouse

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