Brilliance Replication | The Brilliance Mine

Systemizing Brilliance

Why is Having A Solid Business System Critical?

Brilliance Systemizing

A Business System Creates Leverage, Money, and Freedom

Being able to delegate critical work is a wonderful position to be in.  That is especially true if you can be sure the work you delegate gets done to meets your standards.

Without systems, it is next to impossible to grow and scale up your organization. If you do manage to grow despite not having reliable systems, it is much slower than it could be - and it is prone to breakdowns.

When critical tasks can be delegated to multiple team members, the company is prepared for a transition when the need arises. Sometimes we know a transition is coming. Sometimes the need for a successor shows up without notice. Either way, you will be prepared to meet the challenge without losing time or money. Think of the stress you’ll avoid!

How well prepared is your company? If you are thinking you could be better prepared, you are not alone. Let's look at this a bit more closely.

Do Any of These Statements Sound Familiar To You?

  • You or someone on your staff is indispensable.  It can be flattering, yet, there are serious downsides - essentially, the expert is "handcuffed" by their expertise because he/she manages and dispenses the expertise on a daily basis and has little time to think of new ideas
  • You get emails and phone calls while on vacation; diverting your relaxation time to answering questions or putting out "fires"
  • Time off means returning to a pile of work when returning from vacation
  • The team is dependent on you. You end up being "hand-cuffed" by your expertise
  • If you are the business owner, you can't leave (for long).
  • If it's one of your key team members, it can have a ripple effect on your entire company

The Harsh Reality

Without a business system that encapsulates your critical intellectual capital

  • You work way harder than you would have to otherwise
  • It is very hard to grow and scale up your business or organization
  • You and your other experts are handcuffed by your expertise, leaving little time to develop new ideas and innovations - that makes it hard to remain relevant in the marketplace
  • You will be hard-pressed to extract the value you have built in your business when you decide to retire

By the way, if you are not the person in charge but you are a key team member, and if you can't be away for long without coming back to a stressful backlog, then consider this an invitation to talk to your boss.

Creating a Solid Business System Creates Choices

Brilliance systemizing creates choices

Lose Your Handcuffs and Gain Back Control Of Your Time and Destiny

Creating a solid business system creates choices. It also results in a major increase in revenue, profit, business value, and sustainability.

The Old Model of Using Expertise

Over the course of hundreds if not thousands of years, we have used an old model of using expertise:

  • A person learns the expertise and becomes an expert.
  • After many years of practice, the expert knows much more than one could learn from any textbook.
  • Much of that knowledge is intangible and not documented anywhere. It is just in the person's brain.
  • That makes the expert indispensable.
  • The idea behind the old model is simple: Become indispensable - that is your value as an expert.

As flattering as this is, the downsides are SEVERE:

  • The expert is "handcuffed" by their expertise because he/she dispenses the expertise on a daily basis
  • The expert has little time to think of new ideas, and the company/organization is in grave danger to get outcompeted by disrupting new ideas in the market place
  • The expert takes his/her expertise to the grave because too little is shared too late. Also, if a chosen apprentice drops out all that knowledge is lost.
  • The result is brain drain and burnout.

The New Model of Leveraging Your Expertise

The expert shares the expertise quickly, not only with a few people but into a system. This system takes off the handcuffs. It also makes the expertise immortal. The expert's value is that he/she can think of new ideas and keep the organization vibrant and relevant.

As the business owner, Brilliance Extraction™ followed by Brilliance Systemizing™ will give you

  1. Leverage to grow and scale up your business much faster and more reliably
  2. Time to think of new ideas to keep your business vibrant, relevant, and competitive
  3. More freedom to spend your time on other things in life, like family, travel, or having downtime
  4. Access to more and better choices for your exit strategy, succession, or other transitions
  5. Opportunity to convert your expertise into building blocks for the future of others you care about

Discover Brilliance Systematizing™

Brilliance Systemizing™ is all about creating value and choices from your intellectual capital. That is the critical knowledge you have captured via the Brilliance Extraction™ process.

Brilliance Systemizing™ is a Swift Process with Measurable ROI

We make intangible assets tangible. Leverage your expertise and make it immortal.

The Benefits of Brilliance Systemizing™

Brilliance Extraction benefits

The Word SYSTEM Spells Out the Benefits

Scale – Grow and scale
Yield – Gain more flexibility
Sustainability – Future-proof your company
Time – Save time
Exit strategy – Have exit options
Money – Increase revenue, profits & business value/ share price

Brilliance Systemizing™ has 3 steps:

  1. Convert the captured information into a training system, processes, or policies manual
  2. Store the information in a system
  3. Train and test - gain ROI now and make it even better

Brilliance Systemizing™ Has Incredible ROI

Brilliance Extraction Return on Investment

Brilliance Systemizing™ Is Transformative

Brilliance Systemizing™ is transformative for organizations, regardless of whether that organization is a company, a government agency, or a non-profit.

When you have your first piece of knowledge systemized, you will ask yourself why you didn't do it sooner.

BUT, chances are, you did not have the concept of how to do this painlessly, or you did not think you had the time.

It is true. Systemizing your critical knowledge takes some effort. Converting the information into a tested training system takes longer than extracting it. Yet, most of this effort can be done for you without taking up your time.



Brilliance Systemizing™ Is Affordable

Brilliance Extraction You can do this

Systemize Your Intellectual Capital For Less Than You Think

Yes, it is true. Putting the power of Brilliance Extraction™ and Brilliance Systemizing™ to work for you gives a huge ROI - and it is surprisingly affordable.

You have many options, from using teaching you how to do it and then you do it yourself. Or we do it with you. You can choose the pace that is right for you.

We always ask you first what your goals are so that you begin to see the payoff quickly.

How to Start?

Brilliance Extraction Choices

Start with Brilliance Mapping™

Brilliance Mapping™ is a conversational process where we map out which brilliance you have (or someone on your team) that you want to protect, leverage, and make immortal.

We invite you to take advantage of a complimentary 30-minute Brilliance Mapping conversation.

During this conversation, we begin to map your brilliance using our Brilliance Mapping Tool.
You will gain critical insights into your brilliance and your priorities to leveraging and future-proofing it.
Then you have the information you need to decide how to proceed.